1 research outputs found

    “Practical Analysis of A Small Wind Turbine for Domestic Use on Latitude 7.0670N, Longitude 6.2670E”

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    This work focuses on the design and construction of a small wind turbine suitable for generating electricity in low wind speed regimeon Lat7.0670N, Long 6.2670Eat very low cost. The wind turbine was designed to generate 250 Watts of power at the rated speed of 6.5m/s. In the design process,the various components of the wind turbine were considered and all the loads liable to occur during all temporary and operating conditions were calculated theoretically and the designs were optimized to ensure that the turbine operates at full capacity.The turbine’s performance was such that generation hovered between 60 and 100 in the months of October and November while it skyrocket towards 200 watts in the month of December.From performance point of view the turbine has proved to be relatively efficient for power generation in Auchi, Edo state where this work was carried out